What are the most common error(s) I might run into that’ll keep me from filing my return?
It’s not uncommon for you to hit a snag or two while preparing your return. With that in mind, if you see the following rejection message when you try to file your return, consult the list below to make sure the information you entered is correct:
One or more entries in your tax return require correction. Ensure all field information is entered and look for invalid characters.
- You might have entered a phone number that starts with 0. You can quickly verify the phone number you entered by going to the Your mailing address page under the GET STARTED tab.
- You might have forgotten to tell us what your marital status was on December 31, 2021. Select your marital status on the Your family page under the GET STARTED tab. Remember, even if you’re single, this field can’t be left empty.
- You might have forgotten to answer the question: As a Canadian citizen, do you authorize the Canada Revenue Agency to give your name, address, date of birth, and citizenship to Elections Canada to update the National Register of Electors? \. You can answer this question on the Your residence page under the GET STARTED tab.
Important: If you’re not a Canadian citizen, you’ll need to answer No to this question.